Saturday, January 31, 2009

Try, Succeed, Fail...A Poem for John

This is an excellent poem about John Lennon that BeatleManiac1 wrote.

Try, Succeed, Fail

You tried to bring peace,
But it never came.
You tried to bring love,
Yet it remains same.

You tried to bring hope,
But look at this world.
You tried to bring joy,
Evil smiled curled.

You tried to bring truth,
Yet the lies remain.
You tried to bring facts,
It wasn't in vain.

You changed many lives,
Just for a small bit.
You tried, succeeded,
But was it worth it?

You suffered a lot,
To bring us at peace.
You gave it your all,
Your heart, you did lease.

You went through dark times,
Went with a smile.
Personal demons,
Just for a while.

And yet you survived,
How well you did do.
You laughed at them all,
They're foolish, it's true.

Long victorious,
Long forgotten.

You tried to do much,
And trust me, you did.
You tried to bring all,
For now, I don't kid.

You're the greatest man,
The coffin's last nail.
I thank that you tried,
You succeed, you fail.

R.I.P John...we all miss you

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Now Introduce to you BeatleManiac1 !

BeatleManiac1 is one of my personal friends and is the master of all things Beatles. She is my informer for this blog and I just wanted to credit her for all her knowledge. Everyone give it up for BeatleManiac1 *audience cheers loudly*

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Welcome to the Beatles Lair

Hey Beatles fans welcome to this awesome blog, and when I mean awesome I mean awesome. Feel free to look around and give suggestions.